Duo Jewellery Social Distancing Measures
01 May 2020 ,2:25 PM
We are continuing to review our social distancing measures with our customers and whilst we remain temporarily closed to offering our home appointment service at this stage, we are reviewing what we can do to protect our advisors and our brides and grooms when lockdown begins to ease somewhat by providing some protection over the following several months and possibly beyond this term.
Obviously we can not wait to get back to what we do best and showcase hundreds of our wedding ring samples. Therefore, we are going to be providing you both with a disposable face shield just like the one you can see in the image below.
Our convenient disposable face visors will help to provide some protection during our consultations. They are same size fits all, with an adjustable headpiece and are made with an anti-mist film for clear vision and they are made in England.
You shall be given two of these face shields and we shall either post them to you prior to our appointment or leave them on your doorstep and wait outside until you have safely attached them. This is simply to provide a protective screen that may help to create a barrier and still retain a full facial view at the same time.
We don’t feel it necessary at this stage to wear protective gloves and continuing to wash hands throughly before and after each consultation will remain in place.
Our best wishes are to you during this current crisis and take care and stay safe.
See you all soon!
From Samantha and The Duo Team.
Want to book an advanced home appointment? Please contact us using the following information.
O: 0845 463 2771
M: 07711 118381