Our Boutique Suite – in Cannock
24 November 2021 ,1:18 PM
We are delighted to be offering your wedding ring consultation at our boutique suite in the heart of Staffordshire at Falcon Point Park Plaza. This is an ideal location for couples wanting to try on our wedding and eternity rings at your leisure and also the perfect opportunity for those seeking an engagement ring without their partner.
Appointments to view our wedding and engagement rings with Duo Jewellery last about an hour and our consultation suite is perfectly positioned opposite the NEW designer shopping village in Cannock, making this a fabulous day out should you wish to explore the shopping facilities and restaurants, there is also a nature trail walk at the rear of the shopping village.
We still offer a home appointment service, however if you would prefer to visit us please do fill in the appointment form on our website stating either options in the comment box.
By appointment only:
Falcon point
Park Plaza
Heath Hayes
Cannock WS12 2DE