Covid 19 – Coronavirus Notice
16 March 2020 ,3:41 PM
We are following The Government Advice Guidelines.
We have temporarily suspended all our home consultations until Government Guidelines have been lifted and we shall be in contact with everyone the week before your appointment to re arrange with you.
You can still book your preferred appointment date in advance which are available during the daytime or evening, however we recommend going forward to book from July 2020
We continue to monitor this unprecedented situation in The UK by taking diligent steps to protect the public at the wedding shows we attend and in particular during our home consultations which you have booked with us in advance. We understand your wish for your wedding day to go ahead and we would like to reassure all our brides and grooms that we shall continue to play a safe part of your wedding plans. Our consultations last about an hour and will be in a much safer environment rather than visiting high street stores at this present time.
Our workshops and all the manufacturers we are involved with are also following official guidelines with some employees being able to work from home as much as possible and this does include our team at Duo Jewellery. Samantha for example has her office at home and should you need advice or a friendly chat, then she can be contacted either via email or a phone call.
Wedding Fayre organizers are also working diligently with all wedding venues and hotels who continue to upgrade their hygiene standards. Hand gels are available at the venues and on all our stands.
Trying on our wedding rings at the wedding shows has temporarily been suspended in order to maintain our hygiene standards, however it will be safe for our advisor to help you choose your wedding or engagement ring in the comfort of your own home, albeit without touching or shaking of hands. You will be able to try on many wedding ring samples and receive the expert advice just like before.
Once our advisor arrives at your home, you will be asked that you and your partner and advisor all wash hands and once again after your consultation has finished. The use of hand gel has always been stored in all our luggage, stands and vehicles and this continues to be used several times a day before arriving at your home.
If our advisors show any symptoms of the Corona Virus such as a sore throat or a dry persistent cough and respiratory problems and fever, we shall of course be notifying you in order to re arrange our consultation dates. Likewise, if you and your partner or any family member you have been in contact with over the past 14 days are showing these symptoms already mentioned, please contact us to re arrange www.duojewellery.com
It is very important to Duo Jewellery to protect the elderly and those with fragile health conditions during this time, therefore please do let us know if you live with an elderly relative in order to discuss your concerns. We would also recommend that you refrain from inviting your elderly relatives to the wedding Fayres as these can be occasionally busy events and with your help, this will reduce the footfall attendance. Please note: There may well be wedding Fayres who may reluctantly have to cancel and postpone to an alternative date and we will keep you updated as we go along regarding the shows we have planned to attend this year.
With regards to limiting essential contact, if your wedding is planned for next year or is being postponed until next year and your appointment is within the next six months or so, we can always postpone our appointment with an alternative date for later this year or next year and we shall move your booking once again as we go along during future changes.
We hope our blog will provide you all who we meet in the future some reassurance and that you shall continue to enjoy our private consultations in the future.
We shall continue to update this blog as and when there are significant changes over the next days or weeks.
Please support your local wedding businesses in your area.
To contact us please call or email:
Samantha Smith:
o: 0845 463 2771
M: 07711 118381